Sunset Suprise

One night my parents where on a date and I was home with my siblings (I have 6 brothers and sisters) and I went out side to get some fresh air when I walked out the door I saw this.

I really love sunsets I think they are amazing. I love taking pictures of them. I hope you like it.


I took this picture for a photo challenge on Another Day Another Diaper. the challenge was reflections. I took this challenge because I like to see reflections in water or in a mirror. I took this picture in my entry way at my house, the picture shows a mirror and in the reflection of the mirror is another mirror and in that mirror is the window on my door witch is really cool because it reflects light in all different directions. I do like this picture but is wasn't what I really wanted so I'm going to try again next week and hope fore the best.

5 Beginner Photography Tips


#1: Before you go to take pictures make sure your camera is working properly and make sure you have a extra battery.

#2: Keep your lens clean make sure you have a cloth or lens cleaner before you go to take pictures your shirt doesn't work very well.

#3: Get a camera bag or case to carry you gear in camera lenses get stuck alot because people don't have cases for them and dirt and dust jams the lens.

#4: Be creative the difference between a ok photographer and a great photographer is not the camera or the gear its you you have to be creative find things you like to photograph and take pictures of it be creative and find things that capture you eye.

#5 have fun don't think about what picture will your friends like or some one else will like find things that you like and want to photograph.